Francesco Sannino教授做客第9期李政道前沿讲坛,带来物理学家眼中的新冠疫情攻略

Time:20-11-06 13:58:31

主题:物理学家眼中的新冠疫情攻略(The Pandemic Playbook -- A Physicist Take )

主讲:丹麦皇家科学院院士,芬兰科学院院士 Francesco Sannino 教授


嘉宾:冯达旋 前达拉斯德州大学副校长、张辉 清华大学公共安全研究院副院长、敖平 上海大学定量生命科学国际研究中心特聘教授、顾威 李政道研究所副所长

Pandemics are a threat to humanity and therefore understanding their spreading dynamics is paramount to controlling it. The disease diffusion dynamics is traditionally described via compartmental models or complex network diffusion techniques, providing an accurate description of the initial time evolution of the number of affected individuals. I will introduce a novel approach that makes use of the underlying symmetries of the theory for pandemics. This is the epidemic Renormalization Group (eRG) framework that has been shown to provide robust prognoses for the time evolution of a pandemic across different regions of the world and how they interacting with each other. COVID-19 data are used to test and calibrate the approach. I will also show how to use Google and Apple mobility data to provide a global understanding of social distancing effects and timing dynamics .Because of the simplicity of the eRG approach, that is organized around symmetry principles, it amounts to a paradigm shift in the way epidemiological data are mathematically modelled and rationalized.

Francesco Sannino is the Founder and Director of the Centre for Cosmology and Particle Physics (CP3-Origins)in Denmark; Professor of Theoretical Physics, Federico II University, Napoli, Italy; Chair and founder of the Danish Institute for Advanced Study, University of Southern Denmark; Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Science and the Finnish Academy of Science.
Professor Francesco Sannino is widely recognized for having pioneered the analytical and numerical investigations of the conformal structure of gauge theories of fundamental interactions, for the construction of minimal composite extensions of the standard model, and the recent discovery of four-dimensional asymptotically safe theories.
He has been recognized with numerous awards and prestigious research grants, including the Excellence Team Leader Grant of the European Commission, the Elite Researcher Prize of the Danish Ministry of Science and the Danish National Research Foundation Centre’s of excellence grant. Francesco is also an elected member of the Royal Danish Academy and Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.

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